Sunday, June 21, 2009 0 comments

My Dad - A Man of God

is too much of a blessing, encouragement, role model, mentor, friend, protector, etc. for me to be able to accurately put into words what he means to me. But I would like to list some scripture verses that accurately portray this man of God, whom I am honored to call my Father!!

Deuteronomy 6:5-7
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up."
My Dad does love the Lord, with ALL his heart, soul, and might. A clear evidence of that is his passion to teach the word of God, and his diligence in doing so. For many years he has had a heart to teach, and does an excellent job doing so!!! He has the opportunity to teach in his work, his church, and most important to me, a part of his family. As long as I can remember, Daddy has taught the Scripture in our home. In formal Bible studies, through history, at dinner table conversations, while working together outside, even while trudging through deep woods full of mosquitoes on an orienteering course. His love for scripture, as evidenced by his actions, has left a deep impression on my heart about the value of God's Word!!

1 Thessalonians 2:11-12
"Just as you know how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one of you as a father would his own children, so that you would walk in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory."
Another thing that my Daddy does is exhort, encourage and implore me to walk worthy of my King, of my God!! He has never been one to nag or hang it over my head as a guilt trip, but he is ever diligent to teach me the character of God, His attributes, and standards for a Christian walk. He is not afraid to sit me down and share concerns about character flaws in my life. As a good father should, when I have heard a warning or concern but have taken no action, he is humble yet firm enough to come alongside and say "I am going to set some tighter parameters now, and help you conquer this character flaw." He provides the guidance, discipline and encouragement to help mold my character and life into a vessel that will glorify God to a greater degree.

John 12:26
"If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him."
My Daddy does serves God. As his daughter, living in the same home, I have seen many sides of Daddy's character. The good as well as the bad. But one thing that has never changed is that at the end of every trial, and in the face of every struggle, he goes back to His life's source: God. He turns to Him for answers to questions, for comfort in times of need, for standards to guide his life, and ultimately in humble submission and acceptance of His gift of salvation. He is a walking testimony of a man whose life honors the Lord.

Proverbs 3:11-12
"My son, do not reject the discipline of the Lord, or loathe His reproof, for whom the Lord loves He reproves, even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights."
Proverbs 3:24
"He who withholds his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him diligently."
My Daddy loves me. He delights in me. And as a responsible and loving Father should, he disciplines me. Over the years the form of discipline has changed, I have outgrown the oak paddle, picking up rocks and scrubbing the bathtub mat. But I have not outgrown a stern look, a looooong lecture, a canceled fun event, voicing his disappointment at my failure to follow and obey, and a gentle hug to show his concern when I am broken and humbled. He has been faithful, yes even vigilant, to see that I have learned Biblical standards for right and wrong. Not only seen, but enforced when necessary. I would lie to say that his discipline has been my favorite part of our relationship, but I am honest to say that I appreciate his doing so. He has instilled truth in me. He has instilled godliness in me. He has loved me. For that, I am ever grateful!

Proverbs 20:7
"A plan in the heart of a man is like deep water, but a man of understanding draws it out. Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, but who can find a trustworthy man? A righteous man walks in his integrity - how blessed are his sons after him."
I love the part about a man of understanding drawing out the plan of a deep heart. I, like my Daddy, think and feel very deeply. In many ways, I am like him. I am, truly, My Father's Daughter. But he is a man of understanding. Beyond just how my little head ticks, he has a wealth of understanding about God, truth, life, feelings, etc. Because he is a man of understanding, he is capable of gently and patiently drawing the plans, hopes, dreams, and emotions out of my deep heart. He helps me see things about myself that I otherwise never would, and understand how God is working in my life in ways to which I have been blind. As a father, and as a friend, he is loyal to me, and trustworthy. He walks a life of integrity, and I AM blessed to walk after him!

1 Corinthians 11:3
"But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a women, and God is the head of Christ."
There are a couple things that Daddy lives out from this verse. Christ is indeed the head of my Daddy. And He willingly admits to and lives the fact. Not only this, but he is the head of a woman: my Mom. He has accepted and now faithfully carries the responsibility of being a husband and father. Before the Lord, he will be accountable for all of us! (I'm glad I'm not a man!) But he has taken it, and is faithful to do as he understands is the Lord's will to lead, teach, nurture, and love us. He is the head of one woman, only one woman. The woman he has loved, and has always been faithful to. What an example of a godly man!!

A few other things that I just wanted to mention...he has laid down a a worldly prominent, financially successful career to follow the Lord's path for his life and family...he has invested COUNTLESS hours in my life to show support of my many and varied interests and talents...he has gone far outside his comfort zone to accompany my siblings and I on varied grand adventures to ensure we were safe...he has been willing to be a broken tool to serve, lift up, encourage, and hold accountable other people in his life, then to see God take his efforts and multiply them to a spouse, a family, now adopted family members, a jail ministry, a city, and now an entire state...he has spent many more countless hours up at late hours of the night, and early hours of the morning to listen as I poured out every crisis in life...he has taken the effort to send me e-mails, letters and phone calls just to say he thinking of me, and loves me...he has guarded my life and purity jealously, before I was old enough to understand the value of his actions...I could fill a book about my Daddy.

His life is casting a shadow, long and stark, that has touched the lives of many. I am honored to walk behind him in the shade and protection he gives, learning to shape my shadow to look like his.

Happy Father's Day to my Daddy, a Man of God!!

Monday, June 15, 2009 0 comments

The Most Delightful Young Adults

It amazes me how quickly time seems to pass. I remember the long past days of childhood (adults, you can laugh if you want was only half my life ago :D) The days that dragged on which my biggest concern was to wake up and do my school and chores without getting a spanking...and the life's biggest choice involved determining how I would spend those many empty hours in my afternoon. But some things happen with time, in particular, people grow up. My siblings grow much to fast! Just this past weekend we graduated my next younger sister from High School, my next younger brother had his Eagle Scout Court of Honor, and my second younger brother had his 13 year right of passage. They are not little children any more, and I am honored to say they are growing into some of the most delightful young adults you will ever meet!!

My next younger sister is a delightful young lady! I have had the honor of being her second home school teacher for the past two years, and it has been a joy and an honor. She is an easy student, and a joy to work with. Unlike some of her siblings, she has had to work very hard to learn well and I am SO proud to say that she graduated high school with a high A average. She applied herself to her studies, and did excellent work. What a tribute to her character! Her studies were much broader than a traditional education entails, and her mind has been sharped by careful application to her school. She is bright and talented in so many ways. My sister is a beautiful young lady. Not only of face, but of heart. The beauty of her heart radiates from within, and can be seen by everyone around her. It gives her face a delicate glow that no one can ignore. Her gentleness and kindness wins hearts of adults and children alike, and continues to multiply itself as she lets God work in her life. I can hardly believe how time has flown, she is no longer a little girl. Having passed a tremendous milestone in her life there is the rest of her yet ahead...and I am anxious to see how the Lord will guide her steps as she goes forward. next younger brother...who is now taller than I. Despite being several years younger, he is several inches taller. The fascinating thing about his height, is that it is not just physical. For a 15 year old young man, his character and maturity far surpass his age. And in some ways, I feel as though he surpasses me as well. His work ethic, diligence, perseverance, integrity and leadership are tremendous. At 15, it has been many months since he concluded his work to gain the rank of Eagle Scout. The paperwork was slow in being processed, but finally came back. At 15, he is certainly not the oldest scout in his troop, but is currently in his second term as Senior Patrol Leader, the highest youth leadership position in the troop. He has been in leadership positions since 13, and is one the most well liked and definitely most admired young men in the troop. As his sister, I am blessed to have him as my brother. Despite the gap in years, he and I are very good friends. It is so encouraging to be able to try and copy him in the character that he has that surpasses me. God will do great things with this young man, my brother!!

My second younger brother...growing like a weed. And learning like one too. He is sharp and learns incredibly fast, well above his age and grade level. As he is just beginning his walk into adulthood, there is much that lies before him to be learned, conquered, treasured. As his older sister, I am honored to be able to watch him as he goes forward. It will be exciting to see how the Lord will continue to shape and mold him in the years to come.

There will be pictures here