Friday, December 19, 2008


I have been to busy, and I can't seem to sit down to right anything profound. So here are some random things...

At work this last week, I was running QC on a file, and came across the code 2SCHMCT. I thought "Oh cool, my initials, wonder which mailing list this code is for." So I looked it up...Teachers of Multi-Challenged...sorta burst my bubble.

Question: What is it, that after you take away the whole, some still remains?

I overheard a conversation in the hall outside my office...two people were talking about animal cruelty, and how sad it was. One person said, "You know in the Bible, where it talks about the least of these? Well hello! That's just what those dear animals are. The least of these! If we can't even treat them right, just imagine what we'll do to poor innocent people!" I was ticked...

Here's something fun to try: Ask your friends to define the words accordion, goatee and spiral staircase. Be amused at the gestures that accompany the definitions.

A good quote: God has made us for Himself. Are hearts are always restless until we find our rest in Him.

