Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I got my first ticket...

...because the windows in my new car are tinted illegally dark. Yup, going to court on November 18th. Ruined my perfect record... :(

The good news? There's an out. I've already removed the tinting, so now I have to drive 65 minutes to the sheriff's office (in the county south of us, in which I happened to be driving when I got pulled over) and have them recheck the windows. They will be legal now, so the sheriff will sign the back of the ticket. Then in November, I can present the signed ticket to the judge, and she will void it, and I won't have to pay the fine.

The sad news? I'll never be able to say again that "I've never had a ticket." I had no idea there was a law regarding tinted windows. I guess I have some more studying to do.

