Tuesday, October 7, 2008

If I had a blog...

...I’d post this on it. But since I don’t, oh wait, now I do! So now that I have a blog, you can read what I put on it :)

Have you ever gone through a series of a few days where you seem to just be sort of on overload? You get asked all sorts of big questions, some questions that you only share with your closest friends, some questions you want to ask the whole world, and some questions that are just plain big questions? And then you discover (or maybe just hear it for the 100th time and finally get it) all this cool theological and philosophical stuff? And then you hear some opposing views that make you mad? And life is so busy that this all fits into your spare time? (wait, where did that come from? Oh yeah, that 6.25 hours of required sleep every night...!) And then you’re so busy thinking about this cool stuff that it takes up more of your spare time (read above to find out where I got it!) Well that’d be me. So, since I seem to be suffering an incredible amount of brain work, sleeplessness, sudden understanding, excitement, and general thoughtfulness, I wanted to share a teeny bit of it with you all...

Some cool questions:
~Do I consistently turn to the Source of Truth for answer to my questions?
~Is my quest for wisdom and knowledge self-oriented, people-oriented, or God-oriented?
~What does my outlook on life reveal about God?
~Do heartfelt remorse and repentance figure significantly in my view of myself and my relationship with God?
~Am I aware of the subtle ways in which I deny what I already know about God?
~Do I live my life in the light of God’s infinity and eternity, or am I unduly impressed with human concepts of greatness?
~Am I humble enough to see the speck of selfish ambition in my own eye?

Some philosophical fun stuff:
~What does it mean to exist?
~What is thinking?
~What is reason?
~What is logic?
~What is knowledge?
~If I know something, how can I know that what I know is really real?

Some down to earth real questions:
Like...real questions about me...and my character...and my heart attitudes...so maybe I’ll not share them...since everybody in the world can read this...and I'm not humble enough to bare my heart to the world...

Some cool quotes and philosophical concepts:
~To look at morality is to look at what “is”. To look at ethics is to look at what “ought(to be).”
~Truth is communicated, as Tolstoy says, from one soul to another, just as an endless number of candles are lighted from one. That light need only burn, and the darkness will melt like wax before the fire.
~“You are a king then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You are right in saying I am a king. IN fact, for this reason I was born, and for this reason I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” “What is truth?” Pilate asked. John 18:37-38
~Your worldview is determined by your belief about three things. Veritology, anthropology and theology. The questions concerning what is truth, who/what is man, and who/what is God.
~To obey to believe, and to believe is to obey.
~Philospohy – as defined by Webster’s 1828 – “The objects of philosophy are to ascertain facts or truth, and the causes of things or their phenomona; to enlarge our views or God and his works...
~True religion and true philosophy must ultimately arrive at the same principle.
~Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds.
~There was a man who built the first postmodern building. He made stair cases that led to nowhere, and pillars that held nothing. He said if there is no purpose and meaning to life, then why should there be purpose and meaning to his architecture? He simply built randomness. R.C. Sproul saw the structure and asked the man if he applied the same concept to the foundation. Interestingly enough, he did not. No matter how far out there we go, we still ultimately build our beliefs on a foundation.
~We are living in the most anti-intellectual period in history, but you cannot bypass the human mind in order to renew and change the heart.
~A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.

Some things from the opposing worldview that make me feel like...not being very kind:
Carl Sagan – humanist of the year, 1981
“The cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be.” He’s way off track...
“We’re made of star-stuff.” What an eloquent to say we’re made of dirt.

There are absolutely no absolutes.


Country Mom said...

:0) Well, well, I didn't know you were such a LOTR lover as this!! Very cool, girl, I didn't even know about Nienna except it was your elvish name!
Good questions, good comments, very deep first post! Way to go! Love u!

Fopias said...

I like it! And of course, I'm glad you have a blog now 'cause I can keep up with all the deeper stuff that you think about that you forget to tell your sister since you see me all the time! :P
